The Lackawanna County Visitors Bureau is an educational and event planning resource for travelers to understand the region. We encourage you to take advantage of the services listed below that we offer to help you create the perfect vacation, meeting, reunion, or event:

  • Meeting & Event Planning Professionals
  • Third-party liaison for all venue sites, hotels, restaurants, and attractions
  • Listings and contact information for professional services
  • Welcome packages and multimedia promotional items
  • Transportation resources
  • Housing Services
  • Communication Services
  • FAM Tour itineraries
  • Site tour accessibility
  • Customization of events, packages, and teambuilding

Arts & Culture

A local Renaissance is occurring in Lackawanna County. The area is flourishing with artists, galleries…

Outdoor Recreation

Unplug, look up from your screens, and come experience our breathtaking parks. Forget about HD, 3D, and…

Experience the Best of Lackawanna County

Find inspiration and plan your visit to Lackawanna County!