Sports Travel

We’re in the Sweet Spot for sports! Lackawanna County is home to top-of-the-line sports facilities and just a 2-hour drive from New York City and Philadelphia, making it a great location to recruit numerous teams for your next tournament while saving and not sacrificing quality.

Tier System

Birchwood Tennis 01

We created a tier system that breaks down Lackawanna County’s facilities into different categories. Tier 1 is our professional facilities with state-of-the-art amenities; Tier 2 is our privately owned venues and high schools; Tier 3 lists our practice venues.

Within Tier 1 and 2, there are over 90 basketball courts, 42 baseball fields, 41 softball fields, 46 tennis courts, and so many more sports facilities while continuing to grow these numbers.

Unique Venues

University of Scranton Sports Fields Access Aerial LCVB

Do you have an outdoor event that needs an unconventional venue? From a veteran-owned and operated 2,500-acre camp in the country to a 40-mile-long river to a ski and waterpark resort, Lackawanna County has the outdoor venues to suit your needs!

For the Families

Families of participating athletes will have plenty to see and do at our major attractions. We understand that for most families, these traveling tournaments become the family vacation; we want to make sure everyone goes home with wonderful memories and experiences. Check out our major attractions page for vacation ideas!


Sports Events We Have Hosted

• Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame – Ladies Ball Regional and National Championships
• National Beard & Moustache Championships
• Perfect Game
• AAU Baseball
• Coaches Choice USA

• T2 Sporting - Warrior Soccer Tour
• KYDA Invitational
• Mountainfest Archery
• Montage Mountain Archery Fest
• 3v3 Soccer
• 5v5 Soccer

While You're In Town